Friday, November 15, 2019

Great Cover Letter Tips for Telecommuting Jobs

Great Cover Letter Tips for Telecommuting Jobs Great Cover Letter Tips for Telecommuting Jobs You have begun to do your search for a  work from home, online job and have started sending off resume after resume into the vastness of the Internet. After a while, you may start to wonder if anyone is actually taking the time to read your resume after you worked so hard to get it ready for your telecommuting job search? If your resume is not getting the attention it deserves, you may want to try including an eye-catching cover letter to potential employers in order to get the desired response from hiring managers. Here are some cover letter tips to help you create a cover letter that will “wow” hiring managers. Forget the form letter. It’s easy to design a cover letter that says something to the effect of “To Whom it May Concern” and then include a few general reasons why you would be a good choice for the job. However, since you may not have the opportunity to actually speak to a person on the other end, you’ll want to take the time to personalize your cover letter as much as you possibly can. That means do a little bit of research about the company, inquire as to whom the hiring manager or Human Resource director is and design a cover letter specifically to them. It will demonstrate that you took the time to find out more about the company, the job and the role you might play as part of their team. Include how you found out about the job. If you want to let the hiring manager know that you worked hard to seek a telecommuting job with their company, why not include the reason why you are contacting them and how you found out about their job opening? This again shows them that you are willing to go further than the average person just randomly sending out resumes to various jobs. Taking the time to include this little tidbit of information makes it appear that were paying attention to their little advertisement. This is your chance to sell yourself. The cover letter is sort of a commercial, about you. You want to put your best foot forward with your cover letter. Be sure to introduce yourself in a clear and direct manner, use proper spelling and grammar, and give them a reason to keep reading. This is your chance to explain why your skills and background are perfect for their company. You can include short examples of how you can use these skills well in a telecommuting role. You can also provide references to work you have already done to demonstrate this. Remember to sell yourself as if you are the best candidate, but don’t go overboard or state anything unrealistic. You will have to live up to this once they hire you. A great cover letter can say so many positive things about you and convince even the toughest of hiring managers to give you further consideration.  So go for it, and write a cover letter that will leave them wanting to know more about you! Readers, share your best cover letter tips below!

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